Monday, April 29, 2019

sqlmanagment studio: cannot find one or more components. Please reinstall the application

sqlmanagment studio: cannot find one or more components. Please reinstall the application


This can 

(after installing vs2013)

SSMS Depends on Visual Studio 2010 IDE, which if not installed the SQL Server Setup will do, but if any version is present, the setup will ignore it, even at repair

Re Install, I figured that the SSMS needs Visual Studio 10 IDE to run, which I've removed by mistake after uninstalling VS 2010.
So, I Opened the Setup Media and searched for Visual Studio Setup. The .msi file run quitly and Filled the missing parts, and the Management Studio Run OK. 

I found that if you do not have the CD you can get the VS 2010 IDE component that SSMS 2012 relies on here:
It's called Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Shell (Isolated)
After installing that, SSMS runs for me again, Microsoft needs to add this install into their repair logic!

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