Some Useful information for daily life DBA, Well I writing this post just to include things we as DBA need in everyday life you can find more information on other blogs and site this is something for information for new DBA guys. There are couple of commands that can help us. Let looks us at commands. and Why we use them.
1) sp_who
Provides information about current users, sessions, and processes.
2) sp_who2
Shows all the sessions that are currently established in the database.
sp_who2 also takes a optional parameter of a SPID. If a spid is passed, then the results of sp_who2 only show the row or rows of the executing SPID.
3) Kill
Terminates a user process that is based on the session ID or unit of work (UOW). If the specified session ID or UOW has a lot of work to undo, the KILL statement may take some time to complete.
4) Sys
Sys is special system table as understandably by its name. What is purpose of Sys? Sys provide various functionalities like all table names in a database, schema level information , object and their information, etc. In short Sys is key player for for many system and database which you can find over here. Lets looks at some below.
5) Sys.Table
6) Sys.Objects
Contains a row for each user-defined, schema-scoped object that is created within a database.
7) Information_schema
An information schema view is one of several methods SQL Server provides for obtaining metadata. Information schema views provide an internal, system table-independent view of the SQL Server metadata. Information schema views enable applications to work correctly although significant changes have been made to the underlying system tables. The information schema views included in SQL Server comply with the ISO standard definition for the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.
1) sp_who
Provides information about current users, sessions, and processes.
sp_who [ [ @loginame = ] 'login' | session ID | 'ACTIVE' ]
ACTIVE excludes sessions that are waiting for the next command from the user.
2) sp_who2
Shows all the sessions that are currently established in the database.
sp_who2 also takes a optional parameter of a SPID. If a spid is passed, then the results of sp_who2 only show the row or rows of the executing SPID.
3) Kill
Terminates a user process that is based on the session ID or unit of work (UOW). If the specified session ID or UOW has a lot of work to undo, the KILL statement may take some time to complete.
4) Sys
Sys is special system table as understandably by its name. What is purpose of Sys? Sys provide various functionalities like all table names in a database, schema level information , object and their information, etc. In short Sys is key player for for many system and database which you can find over here. Lets looks at some below.
5) Sys.Table
Returns a row for each table object, currently only with sys.objects.type = U.
6) Sys.Objects
Contains a row for each user-defined, schema-scoped object that is created within a database.
7) Information_schema
Information schema is another SQL built in table, it has schema level information.
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