Friday, December 7, 2012

Could not Obtain Exclusive Lock On Database

Some time this error appears and First things comes in our mind is What has possibly gone wrong, I normally see this error when I am restoring the databases or overwrite a a dump database.

Since SQL is also a software and like every software it has its own way of operating and connecting with other entities. Let solve this issue, what steps will take care of this error.


1)  If the above error appears, close your Studio Management Console. Because sometimes its Studio Management that is holding a old connection. First and normally it fixes the problem.

2)  Second reason may come because of "Auto Close" property if turn "ON", Go in DB properties and turn off this property.

3) Check if any other window is open holding a connection to the specified DB. 

Use below script to turn "AUTO Close" off

SELECT DATABASEPROPERTYEX('Your DB' , 'IsAutoClose' ) AS [AutoClose]

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